November 19, 2021
11/18/2021 - 11/19/2021
On Friday, November 19, the Social Security Advisory Board held a systems speaker series event on cybersecurity. Two briefings covered federal cybersecurity initiatives and lessons learned from the public and private sectors.
During the first session, MITRE’s Dave Powner, former Director of IT Management Issues at the Government Accountability Office, described the implications of executive branch initiatives, including President Biden’s Executive Order 14208, “Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity,” and congressional legislation for federal agencies. The presentation highlighted the zero trust model, IT modernization, customer experience, and the Evidence Act.
During the second session, Fortinet’s Jim Richberg, former National Intelligence Manager for Cyber in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, presented on public and private sector cybersecurity challenges, lessons learned from private sector cyber advancements, and the accelerated digital transformation brought on by COVID-19.