February 2011 Board Meeting
Robert Reischauer and Charles Blauhaus, Public Trustees met with the Board members in executive session. Issues discussed included the role of public trustees, perspectives on the current assumptions used by the Trustees, suggestions to improve transparency and presentation of information. A working lunch was held with the Commissioner of Social Security, Michael Astrue. The meeting focused on the effect of the continuing resolution and proposed reductions in 2011 funding may have on the agency’s ability to deliver service. In the afternoon, the members were briefed by the SSA’s Inspector General, Patrick O’Carroll and Deputy Inspector General, James Kissko on the OIG’s recent report on management challenges facing the Social Security Administration. As part of the Board’s continuing interest in how to strengthen the disability program, Mark Duggan was invited to present the finding of a report that he co-authored with David Autor on a proposal for modernizing the disability insurance program.