The Social Security Advisory Board releases its annual report
Washington, DC – The Social Security Advisory Board (“Board”) has released its annual report summarizing agency activities from January 2017 through September 2018. During the reporting period, the Board continued its review of Social Security’s representative payee program, further examined Social Security’s approach to research, and published statements regarding work incentives and Supplemental Security Income provisions. In addition, the Board appointed a Technical Panel on Labor Force Participation and released the Panel’s report. The Board also commissioned its fifth Technical Panel on Assumptions and Methods and prepared for an independent IT Systems Expert Panel. The Board continues to seek feedback from stakeholders both inside and outside the agency through visits and presentations.
Upon the report’s release, Board Chair Kim Hildred said:
“The Board’s accomplishments would not be possible without the support of then Acting Commissioner of Social Security, Nancy Berryhill, Social Security employees, Congressional staff, and the many stakeholders and experts who provided their valuable insights and experiences. We express our sincere appreciation to Henry Aaron for his skilled leadership as our prior Chair, and former members, Barbara B. Kennelly, Bernadette Franks-Ongoy, and Lanhee Chen for their distinguished service during their terms of office. We also recognize and appreciate all our staff has done to help us achieve our mission.”
The Board’s mission is to provide the President, Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security advice and guidance with respect to matters of policy and administration of the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs.