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What is SSAB?

The Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-296) established a bipartisan Social Security Advisory Board composed of up to seven Board members appointed by Congress and the White House. Supported by a professional staff, the Board provides advice and recommendations to the President, Congress, and the Commissioner of Social Security on matters related to the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income programs and policies.

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SSAB Releases 2024 Annual Report

Today, the Board published its FY 2024 Annual Report, summarizing its work during the year.


SSAB Releases Paper on Social Security Benefits for People Aged 62 to Full Retirement Age

Today, the Board released Social Security Benefits for People Aged 62 to Full Retirement Age. Using Health and Retirement Study data, the report examines receipt of benefits by adults between age 62 and full retirement age who report a health problem that limits work.


SSAB Releases Paper on Supplemental Security Income and Incarceration

Today, the Board released a paper on Supplemental Security Income and Incarceration.

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Raising the Alarm on the Unintended Consequences of Social Security’s Return to Work Policies

In this paper, independent researchers Jack Smalligan and Chantel Boyens examine work-related overpayments in SSDI and SSI programs among beneficiaries who work with a focus on the root causes of overpayments.